Dogs in the Woods, Beware: How to Spot Tick Eggs in Warmer Weather

As the weather warms, the dogs go roaming and the ticks come crawling. Tick bites can result in tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. These diseases can lead to catastrophic health issues in your pet. But there are ways to prevent canine tick infestations, including simply being on the lookout. … Read more

Customer Is Always Right.

Do you understand? Little Johnny: Yes, sir! The customer is always right. Boss: So, what were you arguing about with that customer? Little Johnny: He said my boss is stupid and an idiot, sir! Boss: That foolish man. What did you say to him? Little Johnny: I told him he’s right.

Trash collector became full-time nanny after babysitting

Dr. Sanders faces a dilemma when an emergency call disrupts her day off, and she struggles to find childcare for her three children. Despite calls to family and a babysitter, no help is available. Suddenly, her children excitedly rush out to greet their familiar garbageman, Bob, whom they affectionately call “Uncle Bob.” Seizing an opportunity, … Read more