
Washing Machine: If You Forget This in Your Bag, It Risks an Explosion in the House

It’s important to be cautious about what goes into your washing machine. Certain items, if accidentally left in pockets or bags, can cause serious damage, including the risk of an explosion. Here’s a guide on what to watch out for and how to prevent these risks:

Common Items That Can Cause Problems:

  1. Batteries (especially lithium-ion):
  • Risk: Batteries, particularly lithium-ion batteries found in gadgets like smartphones, can explode or catch fire when exposed to water or excessive heat.
  • Prevention: Always check pockets and bags for any electronic devices or batteries before washing.
  1. Lighters:
  • Risk: Lighters can leak or explode if left in the washing machine. The heat and agitation during the wash cycle can cause them to ignite.
  • Prevention: Empty all pockets thoroughly and avoid washing clothing items that may have a lighter hidden in them.
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  1. Coins and Metal Objects:
  • Risk: Coins and other metal objects can cause sparks if they come into contact with the washing machine’s metal drum, posing a fire hazard.
  • Prevention: Make it a habit to check all pockets and remove any coins, keys, or metal objects.
  1. Hairpins and Safety Pins:
  • Risk: Small metal items like hairpins and safety pins can get stuck in the washing machine’s drum or filter, potentially causing mechanical issues or sparking.
  • Prevention: Ensure all such items are removed from clothing before washing.
  1. Nail Polish Remover (Acetone):
  • Risk: If a bottle of nail polish remover spills inside the washing machine, the acetone is highly flammable and can pose a risk of fire.
  • Prevention: Keep such chemicals far away from laundry and always check bags for any liquid containers.
  1. Cleaning Products or Chemicals:
  • Risk: Certain cleaning products or chemicals can react with the washing machine’s heat and water, potentially causing dangerous reactions.
  • Prevention: Store all cleaning supplies safely and check that none have been left in bags or pockets.

Steps to Prevent Explosions or Damage:

  1. Check Pockets Thoroughly:
  • Make it a habit to check all pockets in clothing and bags before placing items in the washing machine.
  1. Sort Laundry with Care:
  • Take your time to sort laundry and inspect each item for any hidden objects that could pose a risk.
  1. Educate Household Members:
  • Ensure that everyone in your household is aware of the dangers and the importance of checking pockets and bags before doing laundry.
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  1. Use Mesh Bags for Small Items:
  • For small clothing items or items that might have hidden dangers, use mesh laundry bags to contain them during the wash cycle.
  1. Regular Maintenance:
  • Perform regular maintenance on your washing machine, including checking the drum and filter for any foreign objects.
  1. Store Hazardous Items Separately:
  • Keep items like lighters, batteries, and chemicals far from laundry areas to avoid accidental inclusion in the wash.

By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of an explosion or other damage caused by leaving dangerous items in your laundry. Always double-check pockets and bags to ensure a safe and smooth washing experience.


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