Flea-Infested Puppies Rescued From Dump Need Our Help To Grow Big And Strong


Meet Rusty, Dusty, and Trusty.

The three puppies were found malnourished, covered in fleas and alone at a dump in Xanthi, Greece. Hundreds of homeless dogs call the dump home and rummage through the piles of trash for scrapes. These little pups were struggling to get enough to eat.


Their mother was nowhere to be found and they needed help. Local shelter staff who brings dog food to the homeless dogs – thanks to your generous donations – rescued the pups and brought them back to the shelter to be examined.

There were immediately fed nutritious food and given a warm medicated bath to soothe their irritated skin. All three have fleas and are suffering from skin infections. Will you help them get the care they need to restore their health and grow big and strong?


Greater Good Charities’ Emergency Animal Medical fund is donating towards their care, but we need your help.

The fund was created to give homeless pets in need of medical care a second chance. Shelters are barely able to feed the animals in their care with their minimal budgets, which leaves little or nothing for medical bills. Countless lives have been saved thanks to your continued support.

The overpopulation of homeless dogs and cats in Greece is an ongoing crisis. In late 2023, Greater Good Charities was approached by groups working in the city of Xanthi, Northern Greece, to assist in the support of over 600 dogs

 seeking out an existence in and around a municipal rubbish site. Since then, working alongside the Animal Rescue Site and community partners, they have provided food, specialist medical care, funded high quality spay-neuter services and supported foster and adoption for dozens of dogs.


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