Moo the Tank Dog is Just the Companion You’ve Been Searching For!


Meet Moo! Moo is a total catch (who ironically can’t catch a flying hot dog to save his life). This show-stopping little bovine looks like a cross between a St. Bernard and a Basset Hound . . . sturdy, low to the ground, and handsome as all get out! Bonus: black and white go with everything, so Moo’s color scheme will match your home décor perfectly!

Moo is a neutered black and white Queensland Heeler mix that weighs approximately 67 pounds. The shelter staff at PACC thinks he’s about 5 years old. He’s been with them since July 29, 2022, and he’s been ready to go all this time!

adoptable dog

Shelter Pets

Moo originally came to Pima Animal Care Center with a pal who has since left the shelter for greener pastures. Moo is happy for his friend, but is feeling a bit lonely and is wondering when he’ll find a home and a family of his own. He’s quiet in his kennel and has a naturally serious face (resting serious face… RSF?), so he watches people walk by his kennel all day long without asking about him. Here’s the thing, though — and this applies to Moo and all of the other wonderful shelter residents – what you see in the kennel isn’t necessarily what you get in a pet!

adoptable dog

Zoomies for Days

Moo is a happy, playful, goofy guy when given a bit of freedom to romp around the play yard! He loves his volunteer friends, loves to give kisses, and enjoys running some fast-as-lightning zoomies. Just kidding. He’s no Usain Bolt, and medium speed is more his style. But zoomies are zoomies, and Moo loves ’em! Moo is a pretty strong guy (it’s that long, low center of gravity) but does his best to be polite on a leash. He does have his own ideas on where he wants to go at times but, hey, if you were in a kennel all day, you’d want some freedom of choice, too! Moo’s Body, Moo’s choice!

adoptable dog

Adopt, Don’t Shop

During a brief adoption, Moo was housebroken and enjoyed sleeping on the couch. When meeting other dogs in the playgroup, Moo was a bit nervous but was tolerant and kept to himself. He’d like to meet any resident dogs before heading home to make sure it’s a good fit. If you were undecided about adopting a dog or a cow, Moo ticks both of those boxes off perfectly! Moo is hoping for a family who will give him time and patience to learn about “dogging” in a home environment. Shelter pets need time to decompress and guidance from their new families to be their very best selves. Ask about Moo today!

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