Grandfather can’t go into the club.

Liam and Owen work as bouncers at a high-class club. When an old man tries to get in one day, they treat him badly. Their boss doesn’t want “that kind of person” in the club, and the bartender drugs him too. The man’s secret name comes out, but it may be too late for them … Read more

husband wife in love a funny story

Husband always insisted on making love in the dark. After 20 years wife turns on the light, finds him holding a Vi****. She goes ballistic, “You impotent bas*ard! How could you lie to me all these years?” Husband looks her straight in the eyes & calmly says, “I’ll explain the toy, you explain the kids Her … Read more

Bringing Back the Spark in Your Relationship

Are you yearning to bring back that excitement and sizzle in your long-term relationship? Well, I have a lighthearted story that might just give you a chuckle, especially if you fall into the 45-65 age group. An Unexpected Surprise One day, a wife decides to add some spice and surprise her husband. She purchases a … Read more

Terry Bradshaw has made millions, but one incident demonstrates that he never allowed celebrity to alter who he was

Terry Bradshaw stands out not just as a football legend but as a down-to-earth personality. His humor and humility make him relatable, unlike many affected by fame. “He’s genuine, hysterically humorous,” says one admirer. Despite his success, Bradshaw’s roots remain vital to him. Bradshaw’s journey began in high school, where he excelled in football and … Read more

One night a man walks into a bar looking sad

One evening, a dejected man enters a pub. The man is asked what he wants by the bartender. Says the man, “Oh, just a beer.” Why are you so depressed today, what’s wrong? the bartender questioned the man. “My wife and I had a fight, and she told me she wouldn’t talk to me for … Read more

A bride tells her husband

A bride tells her husband, “Honey, you know I’m a v***n and I don’t know anything about s **. Can you explain it to me first?” “Okay, sweetheart. Putting it simply, we will call your private place ‘the prison’ and call my private thing ‘the prisoner’: So what we do is put the prisoner in … Read more

A sales assistant informed my wife that she didn’t meet the ‘beauty standards’ required to work at their store, prompting me to come back days later to execute the ideal retaliation.

A store assistant dared to bring MY wife to tears by being mean. She did that all because my spouse sought employment at the establishment she worked at. After hearing my wife’s tale, I took action to redress the situation. What I did ensured that the assistant would think twice when addressing anyone else! This … Read more