A man was sick and tired


A man, weary of his daily work routine and envious of his wife who stayed at home, decided to pray for a change. He said, “Dear Lord, I work hard all day and feel my wife does not understand my struggle. Please, let us swap bodies for a day so she can understand.” God, in His infinite wisdom, granted the man’s wish.

The next morning, the man awoke in his wife’s body. He began the day by cooking breakfast, waking the kids, and preparing them for school. After dropping them off, he ran errands—picking up and dropping off dry cleaning, grocery shopping, and tidying the house. By 1:00 PM, he had barely a moment to breathe.


He then hurried to make beds, do laundry, clean the house, and pick up the kids from school. After mediating an argument and organizing snacks, he set about ironing clothes while half-watching TV. By late afternoon, he started preparing dinner, breading pork chops, and snapping beans, followed by a thorough kitchen clean-up.

After supper, he loaded the dishwasher, folded laundry, bathed the kids, and put them to bed. Exhausted but not done yet, he fulfilled his conjugal duties without complaint. Early the next morning, he kneeled and prayed earnestly, “Lord, I was mistaken. It’s tough staying at home. I am sorry for my envy. Please let us switch back.”


God replied, “I’d like to help you switch back, but you can’t yet. Last night when you made love, you got pregnant. You’ll need to wait nine months.”

This humorous tale not only sheds light on the misconceptions one might have about the responsibilities managed at home but also emphasizes the appreciation for one’s partner’s contributions, whether they are in the workplace or managing the home.


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