A Ragdoll-Married Woman Says Raising Children Is Hard


Meirivone Rocha Moraes, a 37-year-old woman from Brazil, has captivated global attention with her unconventional family life. She is famously married to Marcelo, a life-sized rag doll, with whom she shares three children: a one-year-old son named Marcelinho and twin girls, Marcela and Emilia, who are just one month old.

Despite the unusual nature of her marriage, Meirivone insists that her daily life mirrors that of any other mother and wife. She actively shares insights into her family’s life on TikTok, where she describes a balanced partnership in parenting duties. She humorously notes that while Marcelo contemplates the family’s finances, she tackles the physical aspects of childcare.


Meirivone openly discusses the challenges and emotional highs of motherhood, emphasizing the teamwork in her relationship with Marcelo. “It’s not easy but at the same time, I get emotional every moment, every second. In everyday life, Marcelo and I have a lot of tasks with the new babies, as well as looking after our first child. And even when I’m tired, he helps me bathe, eat and sleep,” she shares. Despite the stress, she believes that their life together is worthwhile, fueled by Marcelo’s lifelong dream of having a family.

The couple is currently aspiring to buy their own home, a dream that has persisted since their wedding in 2018. Meirivone is determined and optimistic about achieving this goal, despite the unique challenges they face.


Their relationship has had its fair share of trials, including a peculiar incident where Meirivone accused Marcelo of infidelity in June 2023, leading to him being ‘punished’ by sleeping on the couch. Additionally, their son Marcelinho was briefly ‘kidnapped’ in February 2023, with a ransom of $200 demanded for his return.

Through all these trials, Meirivone maintains a sense of humor and dedication to her family’s happiness and well-being, showcasing an extraordinary tale of love and family life that defies conventional norms.


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