Here’s What to Do if You See a Painted Purple Fence


When exploring unfamiliar areas and you encounter trees or fences adorned with purple paint, understand that this isn’t a mere aesthetic choice. In several states, purple paint signifies a legal “no trespassing” warning. This method, known as the purple paint law, allows property owners to mark their boundaries clearly and effectively without relying on traditional signs, which can deteriorate or be stolen.


If you plan to use purple paint for marking your property, it’s important to adhere to specific guidelines. Typically, the markings should be vertical stripes, at least 1 inch wide and 8 inches long, placed between 3 to 5 feet above the ground and spaced no more than 100 feet apart. While any type of paint may be used on fences, latex or spray paint is recommended for trees to ensure visibility and durability. These markings must be conspicuous and accurately delineate the property lines. Always show respect for these markers by staying aware and cautious to maintain safety when in areas marked with purple paint.


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