Three Nuns from Italy!! (Cute Story)


After passing away, three Italian nuns are greeted by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates when they arrive in paradise. “Ladies, you all had such amazing lives, that I’m giving you six months to return to Earth and be anybody you want to be,,” he declares. Saying, “I want-a to be Taylor Swift,” the first nun suddenly vanishes. According to the second,

“I wish I could be Madonna,” and hey! She is no longer there. “I want-a to be Alberto Pipalini,” declares the third. St. Peter seems to be confused. “Who?” he asks. “Alberto Pipalini,” the nun responds. With a shake of his head, St. Peter apologizes, “It just doesn’t sound familiar.” The nun then gives St. Peter a newspaper that she had taken out of her habit. After reading the paper, he bursts out laughing. “No Sister, this says ‘Alberta Pipeline laid by 800 men in 6 months!” he says, returning it to her.


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