Your Fingernails Can Tell You A Lot About Your Personality.


Throughout history, people have claimed that they can accurately assess a person’s personality based on certain physical characteristics. Some people believe that finger length determines personality! While some find it credible, others dismiss it as nonsense.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, there was once a scientific field solely dedicated to topics like this. Phrenology is the study of a person’s personality based on their skull measurements. Here are some interpretations of how the shape of your nails can reflect your personality.

A vertically long nail.You must be quite romantic. You have a calm demeanor and a unique but amazing imagination. You have a perfectionist personality and can feel overwhelmed at times. You have a keen eye for the minor details that others frequently overlook. People adore you, and you get along well with most people.2. A broad-sided nail.Unlike #1, you have a quick temper. Nonetheless, you have a sharp intellect and deep thoughts. People appreciate your candor, despite your short temper. Your ability to tell the difference between truth and lies allows you to provide useful advice by cutting through the nonsense. Instead of telling people what they want to hear, tell them what they need to know.


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