Little Johnny Was a Lazy Student


The Full Story: Little Johnny and Math

Little Johnny was known for being a lazy student and was particularly struggling with Math. His parents, frustrated with his poor performance, decided to take a drastic step. They pulled him out of his regular school and enrolled him in the local Catholic school, hoping the change would make a difference.


After Johnny’s first day at the Catholic school, he came home without saying a word and went straight to his room to do his Math homework. He stayed in his room for four hours, diligently working until he had completed all his assignments. This behavior continued day after day. Johnny would come home, head straight to his room, and focus on his Math homework for hours on end.

Several days later, curious about this sudden change in their son’s behavior, Johnny’s parents decided to ask him about it. They went up to his room and asked, “Johnny, what changed? Why are you working so hard on your Math now?”


Johnny looked up at them and replied, “When I saw that guy nailed to the plus sign on the wall, I knew they meant business.”


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