“The Carol Burnett Show” was always a source of great humor! In this clip, the studio audience erupts with laughter during a sketch where even the cast can’t contain themselves due to Tim Conway’s hysterical improvised story.
Conway’s co-stars lose their composure as he tells an impromptu tale about a circus elephant. Carol Burnett buries her head in her hands, while fellow cast members Vicki Lawrence and Dick Van Dyke struggle to keep a straight face.
In this sketch, Conway plays Mickey Hart as the family attempts to play the game ‘Password.’ Mickey feels compelled to share a story he heard about a circus elephant.
Initially, Conway riffs about how an elephant and a trainer became lovers, eventually being buried together. The actors shake with laughter, trying to hide their faces and maintain their composure.
The second part is even more hilarious as Conway improvises about Siamese twin elephants connected by their trunks. He begins to giggle at his own story.
Carol struggles to deliver her next line to ‘Mama,’ played by Vicki Lawrence, and tells her it’s her turn in the game. Vicki responds with a hilarious R-rated punchline, causing the audience to roar with laughter as Tim Conway and Dick Van Dyke fall off the couch onto the floor.
In a later interview, Carol Burnett recounted that none of the cast had heard the lines during the dress rehearsal, leading to a hysterical scene where everyone, including the cast, was in tears from Conway’s improvisation!
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