

There was once a pair of sisters who were very far from home. They embarked on a journey to see the world they lived in but had never truly seen.

Late one afternoon, they decided to make their way back to the village where they were staying, but they came to a fork in the road.

“I think it’s the right,” said the older sister, peering down her chosen path.

“I thought it was the left,” said the younger sister. Both looked into their respective paths and glanced at each other, unsure.


“Well, we should be close to town. Why don’t we each take a way, and whoever doesn’t make it back comes back here and chooses the other path?” the older sister suggested.

They agreed and set out on their separate paths.

The younger sister reached the town in half an hour. Excited to be right, she sat at the edge of the forest, waiting for her sister to arrive.

As the sun began to set, the younger sister grew nervous. She ventured into town and gathered some locals to help her search. But it was to no avail. There were no footprints, no signs that her sister had been there at all.

Worse still, when you ask the people in town about that night, they say they never saw the older sister in town. They insist the younger sister was always alone.

I hope you all enjoyed this short story. If you want to check out more of my stories, please click here. Also, if you haven’t already, make sure to check out my Readers and Writers group on Facebook. We would love to have you!


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